Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Days Vs. Jersey Shore

The 1984 show Happy Days let us into the lives of American Teenagers, even though it was a show cast into the 50's but shown in the 80's. the reason for this is because the 80's were a time when african american gained their rights, when riots and bombs were going off in the streets, and the 50's were thought to be the "happy days" of America, so why not air a television show in the worst time about the times when it was the best? This television show was about a group of friends and how they interacted with each other. In this clip we will see how parties were held and how they acted, notice how they dress and how they interact with one another

 Notice that the friends are just relaxing and hanging out, notice how Fonz reacts when people mess with his girlfried and how he gets definsive when people mess with her. They are very low key and not crazy with their parting.

In 2009 MTV released a television reality series called Jeresy Shore, which is about a group of young adults and how they live in a summer house together. Most of the show is centered around their drama and their partying.

 This clip shows you how young adults in today's times have changed and feel the need to go out and make themselves look crazy when they party. Due to this show more parties at houses and other places are now like these parties.

The differences between young people then and now are enormous! Young adults now find it acceptable to get drunk, have sex, and just do whatever they want as we also see in the Hogan Knows Best comparison. They live in the now and not for the future and they'll do what they want.

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